Friday, February 23, 2018

Fifth Yoga Experience

My yoga experiences have truly challenged my way of thinking so far. I didnt realize how much the enviroment and the people would shape the practice but along with the prompt for this week , I do believe that the practice space promotes a sense of community. When I do yoga every Friday morning, no matter what the class , its always intimate and everyone seems to know everyone. I think those who practice find a kinship with the people around them who are on the same journey. I have observed that there are women who are as young as me and women who are 50+ that come and practice yet everyone is friendly and respects each other. The dimly lit yoga rooms that smell like burned incense create the calming atmosphere that is needed. When I go, although I don't really know people, I do feel like a part of community. We sweat together, we struggle together and we all are there to just feel better. No one is trying to impress anyone, Yoga is simultaneously a practice to isolate yourself in your own thoughts and breathing but is so amazing to practice solely but around others. 

1 comment:

  1. community is the focus of western yoga in contrast to the original Eastern tradition. We must crave connection and feel isolated in Western culture.
