Friday, February 9, 2018

Bikram Yoga

This week in Yoga East Meets West we practiced Bikram yoga. First off, I was pretty nervous about this class. Partly because we were instructed to do our research about what Bikram Yoga is before the actual class. So, I had plenty of time to find out that it is fast paced class that is done in heated rooms. Thankfully since we were in a stockton classroom, the room we were practicing in couldn't be made to be 100 degrees. Never the less, I did sweat. When I was doing my research I started to have some preconceived notions about Bikram yoga because the founder, Bikram seemed like a terrible man. Yet, the class was sort of enjoyable. I would never go out of my way to do another one because it just wasn't my style but I did like that some of the poses pushed you and were repetitive. The instructor gave us some backstory on how he came to practice and it was interesting to hear how a lot of his body aches and pains started going away when he started this style of yoga. I think if this wasn't one of my first yoga classes then maybe it would have been easier for me but I did find a lot of the class challenging. I am glad we were given this opportunity to have a actual Bikram Instructor come to stockton because honestly I don't think it would have been anything I would normally encounter.

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