Friday, February 23, 2018

Ashtanga Yoga

This week we practiced Ashtanga yoga. I would have to say that it is my favorite yoga we practiced. I felt that the instructor we had was also the best. She really emphasized and made a point to teach us all how to breath. I was very impressed by her knowledge and her own physical abilities. She was the first yoga instructor that actually got on the ground and would do the postures entirely with us and that made all the difference for me. The sun salutations both challenged my body and my frame of mind. I felt better after the practice and would practice Ashtanga again. I liked how all the postures were a challenge for the body but would leave you feeling empowered. I think thats a lot of what the appeal of yoga is. Going along with the prompt of the week, I do feel like this practice space promoted a sense of community. Although it isn't ideal to practice is a cramped classroom I do believe it creates of community for class. Especially this week when we practiced in a big circle. The arrangement made everyone seem equal. No one was in the front or the back, just one big circle. This community of students/classmates has a purpose for the practice, it is all of us learning together and experiencing something new together. Its cool to see all of us open up and even laugh at ourselves when we fall or cant do a pose correctly. It humanizes the practice and shows that its not about being perfect rather the effort and what you take away from the practice. The community of students makes me feel welcomed and unjudged with my yoga practice

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