Friday, February 9, 2018

Third Yoga Experience

As I had previously stated in my Bikram yoga reflection I was very unsure about hot yoga but this Friday for my weekly yoga practice I made the awful mistake of waking up too late and missing the early Yin yoga class. I was left with no alternative other than to go to a power yoga class that was held in a heated room. I was so nervous about this and didn't know if I would be able to do "power hour" to begin with, let alone in a heated room. I was actually pleasantly surprised by the class. I went to the 9:30 class at Grow yoga with Lou Fermonte. There were a lot of people there for such n early time and everyone "seemed" to know exactly what they were doing. Although I did have to watch other for a lot of the poses I felt as though I kept up. In the beginning I noticed the heat  a lot and almost felt as though I was having trouble breathing but as the time went on and I was sweating and doing all the yoga sequences I noticed that it bothered me less. The class was faster paced and often I felt like I was lagging behind but when I was finished I had a sense of accomplishment. i was proud of myself for keeping up and surviving my first hot yoga class. I also noticed I felt super energized after. I stretched my body a lot and expect to feel sore in the morning but I am glad I went to this class. 

To answer the question, I do believe Yoga is framed as more than just exercise. As we have learned in class there is a certain level of spirituality associated with yoga and I do believe the instructor try to bring this into their classes. All the instructors I have had classes with talk about accepting each others spirits and finding a calm within. Why not zumba or running? well those exercises seem to be sort of mindless. You go through the motions but your mind is someplace else, yoga forces you to be in the moment and to enjoy life right now. 

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