Friday, February 2, 2018

Second Yoga Experience

For this weeks yoga class I decided to shake things up and go to the studio I went to during the summer back home. Since I was going home for the weekend I figured I would save my practice and go to Yoga Peace Kula. I love this studio for many reason but mostly because it breaks the mold of the typical americanized studio we have been talking about. Yoga Peace Kula is a non for profit yoga studio and tries to make all classes accessible for single moms, college students and anyone else on a fixed income. They aim to focus on the practice and not over pricing classes. The classes are "pay what you can" and keep it very anonymous with a donations box in which you can put whatever you can before or after the class. They welcome drop ins, which is how I started. The classes have always had a diverse group of people, ranging from young to old, physically fit and some overweight participates. None of that matters really. They focus on the practice and how to make the most comfortable environment. This week I went to the mixed level vinyasa from 9:30-10:45 with Amy Budinich as the instructor. I really liked going to the mixed level vinyasa because it pushed me out of my comfort zone. Some of the poses were a bit more difficult and more weight bearing, they were also held for longer. In this class we really focused on connecting our breathing to our movements.

What made my practice a "sacred space" was the vibe that was given off by everyone there including the teacher. Everyone had really positive energy that they were giving off and made an effort to keep the place calm and quite. There was no conversation going on that didn't pertain to the here and now. The lights were dimmed and calm and soothing music was being played in the background. At the end the instructor ever burned some incense which brought another one of our senses to the forefront. I really enjoyed my practice and look forward to next week.

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