Friday, March 2, 2018

Sixth Yoga Experience

My sixth yoga experience has had to have been my favorite because it was just so relaxing. I went to an early 8am class at grow yoga. I was set for yin yoga but since it was so cold out this Friday they decided to put yin yoga in the heated room. At first I wasn't so happy with this because i didn't want to sweat but since it was yin and not power yoga the practice was much slower. This weeks practice really focused on slow yet precise movements. I spent most of the time on the floor and stretching in certain positions and held them for 3/4 minutes. This is exactly what i needed after a long week, a calm and soothing practice. For yin yoga I actually liked being in the heated room, I felt like it calmed me and made me almost sleepy. I was able to be in my own thoughts and did feel a spiritual peace in my practice. 

I believe yoga is seen as healing at my practice because the yoga instructors emphasis that certain stretches and poses are good for the hips or for the GI system and that the heat and breathing can be good to clean your impurities. I also think they advocate for spiritual and mental health by always reminding us to leave the week outside the room and to be present in the here and now and only look to the positive in the future. All these aspects are part of the in class practice and I do like to hear it. I like to know that there is A purpose and benefit for each posture and I have to say that I do feel pretty amazing after I get out of hot yoga or even regular yoga. This week I felt so well rested and other weeks I feel super energized.

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