Friday, April 6, 2018

Tenth Yoga Experience/ In class meditation

Reflecting on the semester to this point, I can think of two distinct classes at grow yoga that were very meditation based. And, those two classes stand out as my favorite. Yoga was used as a form of mediation to take us on a more spiritual than physical journey. For most of the class I was on my mat laying down with a bolster under my head and my blanket on me. It was explained as being in the moment and being aware of where I was spiritually. The instructor told us that this was time to focus on ourselves. Focus on the calmness and tranquility around us. She did some guided imagery and told us to breath in and out and focus on now and bring ourselves back every time our minds started to wander. She spoke in a slow and calm tone and I noticed my breathing starting to slow and a lightness in my body. I was totally into myself and not really aware of my physical body but more on what was really important in life. I started to think about what I was grateful for and grateful for the beautiful day that was laid before me. I was genuinely happier after. And that how I felt after our meditation on Thursday! Our meditation in class wasnt ideal as I was laying against the wall in a well lit room with a huge crowd but it did allow me to self reflect. I found myself calm and ready and in control of my emotions. I had to take a big test right after and felt like I was in the right mindset to do so. 

1 comment:

  1. it is the goal of meditation that one can do it without the "crutches" that make it easy. We don't live in a darkened rom with candles and incense. Ha!
