Friday, March 30, 2018

Ninth Yoga Experience

For this weeks yogas practice I did beginner yin yoga. This week I wanna reflect on how my body has changed and is still changing. When I first started yoga I was very weak and could not hold many poses for too long. I would have classified myself as being really un flexible and had really poor stamina. As each week passes and I attend my Friday Class I find myself getting stronger. I am getting stronger and able to hold each pose longer than I was the previous week. This positive feedback keeps me coming back to my class and makes me look forward to see how my body is developing. Beyond making the physical body stronger I have found myself letting my guard down and allowing myself to be fully present when my class closes their eyes and meditates. I am able to finally fully relax and let the weeks stress leave me as I prepare to practice. The community that practices helps, In the beginning I expected everyone to be very judgemental but I have not noticed that at all. I can see that everyone is there for themselves and sends out nothing but good vibes. As i Continue to practice I can see how yoga centers and ground people, I find myself calmer during the weeks and more physically balanced as I practice.

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