Saturday, April 14, 2018

Eleventh Yoga Experience

What is the role of the body? How is the body approached and how is the body seen as a vehicle for experience of the divine?

The role of the body, in my experience, is a vessel for your spirit which will try to reach enlightenment. We have learned in class that the goal is to stop being reincarnated in a human body and to be a spirit for eternity. In class we practice to be fully aware. We want to be in the moment and use our bodies to maintain proper breath and be tranquil. I know that when I practice I try to forget my body when a we are meditating. I choose to breathe and feel myself leaving my body so I can experience something more divine. I can personally say that there have been some times when I have been very enlightened. In the sense that I was focusing on nothing worldly but something part of the bigger picture. I think when practicing in the right atmosphere and in the right mind everyone can experience something like this.

1 comment:

  1. so you have defined enlightenment as the ability to see beyond yourself? interesting
