Friday, March 23, 2018

Eighth Yoga Experience

In the context of my practice space I would define yoga as the practice of making a connection. I feel that each time I go to a class to practice that connectivity seems to be the most common theme. Whether it be a connection to the teacher, so you let them in and allow them to show you the way, a connection to others in the class and realize as we synchronize breathe that we are all here, in this moment for the same thing, or even a connection to ourselves, being present and fully aware of our being in this moment, forgetting everything that has previously happened and accepting who we are in the here and now. Yoga support all three of these aspects of connection within the walls of the studio and it is something i have increasingly noticed happening with me. As I practice , each time I found myself letting in the teacher and trusting that each time they adjust me that they are looking out for me, that in that split second we are connecting. I also find myself trusting myself more and allowing my body to do what it feels like it needs to do.

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