Friday, March 9, 2018

Seventh Yoga Experience/ Sivananda Yoga

My seventh yoga experience was also our in class Sivananda Yoga experience. I really liked this experience and liked the repetition of this practice. A lot of the poses I wasn't able to do like the headstands but I did liked how we spent quite some time on our breathing. I also liked the repitition of the practice. Each time I felt like I performed the pose better than the last. I felt a lot better after this practice and during I felt like I actually was controlling my breathing and heat. I noticed I didn't sweat this time around and was very impressed by that. 
This yoga practice prompted me to think about how common place yoga has become. Yoga that we see today isn't anything like the "traditional culture" that we have been learning about in class. Its less spiritual and more commercial. Yoga has morphed to fit the "pop culture" standards and is now the thing to do for mainly young girls. You cant walk into a store without seeing a yoga section and clothing brands are getting away with murder by selling yoga leggings for $85. I have also see events for older women that incorporate yoga and wine which seem to go together a lot more these days than yoga and spirituality. I think its very interesting to see how yoga has transformed to fit the western culture.

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