Friday, January 26, 2018

First Yoga Experience

This Friday I attended a yoga class for my weekly "yoga east meets west" requirement. It was not my first ever yoga class though. This past summer I wanted to try something new so I thought yoga classes would be interesting. This yoga experience was alike and unalike my other experience. Here in Galloway I went to Grow Yoga, a studio right down the road. I went to the 8am-9am Yin Yoga and Meditation class taught by Tara Van Ness. It was my first time there and I was very warmly greeted and shown around. The studio was very beautiful and did give off the "wealthy, white happy woman" vibe we were learning about in class. Never the less I enjoyed my experience. Yin yoga and meditation was a slower paced class and really aimed in perfecting "asanas" or poses. Each pose was held for about three minutes and aimed at deep tissue, ligaments and joints and aimed to be restorative. I was slightly nervous for this. I didn't know if the class would be too much or if I would be unable to do some of the poses. I was very happy to find that the class was very basic. We did poses like child and rock, as well as sphinx, table and cobra. We also did butterfly and were asked to do each pose in a way that was most comfortable for us. The instructor set up a place for me with two blocks, a blanket and a bolster that helped with each pose. I made many observations in this class. I noticed there was a very calm and peaceful vibe coming from everyone in the class. It was early, but everyone genuinely wanted to be there and share their practice. Everyone was friendly and seemed to take the class at their own pace. The instructor told us to be here in the moment and leave everything else aside. She really did set the tone and I felt refreshed after the class. The dimmed lights and calming music accompanied by the incense set the perfect tone, that we were meant to spend the time focusing on ourselves. I genuinely enjoyed this first experience and look forward to expanding my knowledge. 

Saturday, January 20, 2018

Yoga Experiences

Yoga East Meets West 2018

Documenting each yoga experience I have for the class.